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What is Breast Enlargement (Mammoplasty)? 

Breast enlargement, also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at increasing the size and enhancing the shape of the breasts. This procedure can be performed with or without implants to achieve your desired breast size and proportions.

Enhance Your Feminine Curves with Breast Enlargement at Lim Hospital

Thank you for considering Limi Hospital Ltd. for your breast enlargement journey. We understand that the decision to undergo breast enlargement is a personal and empowering choice to enhance your feminine curves and boost your confidence. As a trusted provider of healthcare excellence for over 41 years, we are dedicated to ensuring your safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the entire process. Below is essential information about what to expect from our breast enlargement services, including both options with and without implants, and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs):

This procedure involves the placement of silicone or saline implants to increase breast volume, providing a fuller and more shapely appearance.Breast Augmentation with Implants
In this technique, autologous fat is harvested from other areas of your body through liposuction and then injected into the breasts to achieve a natural enlargement.Breast Augmentation without Implants (Fat Transfer):

Stages & Steps to Expect

    1. Initial Consultation: During your initial consultation, our experienced plastic surgeon will assess your candidacy for a tummy tuck, discuss your specific concerns, and recommend the most suitable procedure for your unique needs.

    2. Customized Treatment Plan: We believe in personalized treatment plans that address your specific goals. Our plastic surgeon will help you determine the extent of the tummy tuck required to achieve the most natural and harmonious results.

    3. The Procedure: Tummy tuck surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. Our skilled plastic surgeon will make an incision along the lower abdomen, carefully remove excess skin and fat, and tighten the abdominal muscles for a firmer contour.

    4. Recovery: After the procedure, you will be provided with detailed post-operative care instructions. You may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising during the initial recovery phase, which will gradually subside.

    5. Results: As your abdomen heals and swelling diminishes, you will notice a smoother, flatter, and more defined midsection. The results of a tummy tuck are often immediate, and you can enjoy the benefits of a more toned appearance.

At Limi Hospital Ltd., we are committed to providing you with a safe and successful tummy tuck experience. Our experienced plastic surgeon and caring staff are here to address any concerns and guide you through your journey to a more sculpted and confident abdomen.

What you need to know

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about liposuction.

1. How Do I Know if I am a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Good candidates for a tummy tuck are generally individuals with loose abdominal skin, separated abdominal muscles, and excess fat that does not respond to diet and exercise.

2. Will Tummy Tuck Remove Stretch Marks?

Tummy tuck surgery can remove some stretch marks that are located within the area of excess skin to be removed. However, stretch marks outside this area will remain.

3. Can I Combine a Tummy Tuck with Other Procedures?

Yes, tummy tuck surgery can be combined with other body contouring procedures, such as liposuction, to enhance overall body proportions.

4. How Long is the Recovery Period for Tummy Tuck?

Recovery times vary depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing. Most patients can resume light activities within two weeks and return to normal activities within a six weeks.

5. Are the Results of Tummy Tuck Permanent?

The results of a tummy tuck are considered long-lasting. As long as you maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy a flatter and firmer abdomen for many years.

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