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What is Urology? 

Urology is a specialized medical field that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders affecting the urinary system and male reproductive system. Our urologists are experienced in both surgical and non-surgical techniques to address a wide range of urological conditions and provide personalized care for each patient.

Comprehensive Men’s Health with Urology at Limi Hospital

Thank you for choosing Limi Hospital Ltd. for your urological health needs. As a renowned multispecialty hospital group with over 41 years of healthcare excellence, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive and compassionate care for all urological conditions. Our team of highly skilled urologists and dedicated healthcare professionals is here to support your urological well-being and improve your overall quality of life. Below is essential information about our urology services and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Urology Surgery Services Offered:

Diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), offering personalized treatment options to restore sexual health.Erectile Dysfunction Treatment:
Evaluation and management of male infertility, providing advanced treatment options to support fertility goals.Male Infertility:
Evaluation and treatment of prostate conditions, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, and prostate cancer.Prostate Care:
Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs), with a focus on prevention and management.Urinary Tract Infections:
Evaluation and treatment of bladder conditions, such as urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and bladder infections.Bladder Conditions:
Comprehensive management of kidney stones, including medical therapy, lithotripsy, and minimally invasive stone removal procedures.Kidney Stone Management:
Stages & Steps to Expect
  1. Initial Consultation: During your initial consultation, our experienced urologist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your urological health, review any relevant medical history, and discuss your symptoms and concerns to develop a personalized treatment plan.

  2. Diagnostic Testing: If necessary, our urologist may recommend diagnostic tests, such as imaging scans, urinalysis, and specialized urodynamic studies, to further assess your condition and plan the most appropriate treatment.

  3. Treatment Options: Our urologist will discuss all available treatment options, including both surgical and non-surgical approaches, and recommend the most suitable course of action tailored to your specific needs and health goals.

  4. Surgical Procedures: If urological surgery is recommended, our urologist will explain the details of the procedure, expected outcomes, and any potential risks involved.

  5. Recovery and Aftercare: After the procedure, you will receive post-operative care instructions and a personalized recovery plan to promote healing and optimize your results.

At Limi Hospital Ltd., we are dedicated to providing you with safe and effective orthopedic surgery care. Our experienced orthopedic surgeons and caring staff are here to address any concerns and support you throughout your journey to better musculoskeletal health.

What you need to know

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

Our urologist will determine if you are a suitable candidate for urological surgery based on your medical history, diagnostic tests, and overall health.

Recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery and individual healing. Our urologist will provide you with specific guidelines for a smooth recovery.

Yes, our urology team offers a range of non-surgical treatments, including medications, lifestyle modifications, and therapy, to address urological conditions whenever possible.

Yes, urological treatment can significantly improve your quality of life by addressing chronic conditions, relieving symptoms, and optimizing your urological health.