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A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid, the H-shaped gland that wraps around the front of your windpipe, just below your Adam’s apple. A goiter can be smooth and uniformly enlarged, called diffuse goiter, or it can be caused by one or more nodules within the gland, called nodular goiter.

Almost all cases of enlarged thyroid result from one of the following problems:

Inefficient Production of Thyroid Hormone
When the thyroid can’t produce enough thyroid hormone, it compensates by getting bigger. Worldwide, the most common cause is not enough iodine in the diet. However, this is rare in the United States. Other causes include a genetic defect or certain medications, such as lithium carbonate.

Requires a medical diagnosis
Not all goitres cause symptoms. Symptoms that do occur might include swelling and coughing. Rarely, symptoms may include throat tightness or trouble breathing.

A goiter is one of the most commonTrusted Source thyroid disorders. It does not necessarily mean that the thyroid is functioning incorrectly. In some cases, however, it can signal an underlying thyroid disease that needs treatment.

Goiters are often harmless and may go away after a short time without treatment. People usually do not need treatment unless the goiter is large and causes bothersome symptoms.

Doctors can diagnose a goiter through a physical exam. They may also request blood tests or scans to find out the cause of the goiter.
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